If you’re a fan of Rom-Coms then you likely know this scene from Bridget Jones’ Diary by heart… And, wished for your own Mark Darcy when you saw it.
Liking yourself – just as you are is not always as simple as Hollywood makes it out to be.
So I ask you… who sets the standard for perfection?
The answer… YOU DO!
You and only you get to decide if what you see in the mirror is likable just as you are or if you want to make a change.
But before you make a list of all those things, consider how each of “your imperfections” make you the unique and lovable person that you are today.
But before you make a list of all those things, consider how each of “your imperfections” make you the unique and lovable person that you are today.
Who can resist being with someone who laughs at their own silliness… or sings off-key at karaoke just to have a good time… gets lost every time she sets off on a new adventure - when getting lost makes it so much more fun.
Sure, there are people who “get it right every time”, but really… How fun is that?
Who can resist being with someone who laughs at their own silliness… or sings off-key at karaoke just to have a good time… gets lost every time she sets off on a new adventure - when getting lost makes it so much more fun.
Sure, there are people who “get it right every time”, but really… How fun is that?
And isn’t this what life is all about?
It’s for sure what Positive Aging is all about. It’s about loving yourself and all your imperfections – where you are today. Making changes because those changes enhance your life. And, seeking out new adventures to keep your spirit fresh and alive!
1. Reframe the change! Life is about evolving and constantly moving forward. IF you find areas for personal growth, don’t frame them with negative self-talk – “I need to lose weight… gain more endurance… find confidence to go it alone… etc.”
Instead of looking at these as flaws, reframe them as opportunities. “I want to – wear different clothes… do more activities throughout the day … or, go anywhere, anytime without waiting for others to be available.
Reframing it with positivity takes it from being a flaw and transforms it into a new adventure.
Instead of looking at these as flaws, reframe them as opportunities. “I want to – wear different clothes… do more activities throughout the day … or, go anywhere, anytime without waiting for others to be available.
Reframing it with positivity takes it from being a flaw and transforms it into a new adventure.
2. Don’t compare yourself! It’s easy to think the grass is greener in someone else’s yard. But is it? Everyone has something - it’s how God made us.
When you find yourself heading down the “shoulda, coulda, woulda” path – Stop and assess it for what it really means.
While you didn’t get the thing you “shoulda, coulda, woulda” gotten if only the circumstances were different… I bet you got something pretty terrific instead.
Maybe you got a new friend, found the love of your life, learned a new task, or stumbled onto something possibly better.
Are you willing to give up that pretty terrific thing to roll the dice on what shoulda coulda, woulda been?
While you didn’t get the thing you “shoulda, coulda, woulda” gotten if only the circumstances were different… I bet you got something pretty terrific instead.
Maybe you got a new friend, found the love of your life, learned a new task, or stumbled onto something possibly better.
Are you willing to give up that pretty terrific thing to roll the dice on what shoulda coulda, woulda been?
3. Stay authentic! Life is too short to spend your time Keeping up with the Kardashians. Why spend your time chasing when you can relax and enjoy the here and now?
Love yourself where you are. Appreciate your contribution for what it is. Take stock of the good people in your life. Surround yourself with women who share your philosophy on life.
4. Find your tribe of like-minded women! It’s easier to stay authentic and appreciate your own uniqueness when you are surrounded by women who are doing the same.
With so many things outside your control, why over complicate that which is within your grasp? Find your tribe… find your joy!
We are not alone. Reading your story may make a difference in another woman’s life.
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