It’s that time of year again… Tis’ the season for reflection.
We are nostalgic people and we do it every year...
With January 1 just around the corner, we think about the past 12 months. The ones we loved… the ones we lost… the new adventures… and the missed opportunities.
With so much emotion and determination, we vow the next year will be our best one yet!
As you settle in… ready to ring-in the new year… with your hat and noisemaker on hand… your list of resolutions swirling around in your head - I want to share with you some tips for goal setting so you can make this year’s resolution a sure-fire win!
Every year you strike out on a journey to change or enhance… experience or learn…make or redo… something - someone- somewhere.
How does that all work out for you?
Are you leaving this year with regrets or a list of do-overs for next year?
Too often we make many resolutions because we are eager to manifest a GREAT experience.
And the resolutions often require you to alter your behaviors.
The truth is… altering one behavior takes a significant amount of dedication and commitment. When you pile on 2-3-4 life-changing behaviors, you are setting yourself up for failure.
In the end, you can manifest a GREAT experience if you choose just ONE great resolution. For really great results, choose a resolution that takes you out of your comfort zone.
It doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking… small rivers can change mountainsides. Be sure to frame it in a positive light so that you are working towards something amazing versus running from something uncomfortable.
When you surround your resolution with a framework, you are more likely to succeed. Cheers to being SMART!
● Specific – A specific resolution is tangible. You can define it… see it… feel it… and know when it doesn’t exist.
● Measurable – The resolution needs to be measurable or you won’t know if or when it’s achieved.
● Actionable – A resolution needs to be actionable or action-oriented. This is where you define the steps you’ll take to get from point A to point B.
Take some time to figure out – Whose help do you need? What resources in your community can you use? Can you get your BFFs involved so you have a buddy?
Buddies are game-changing super heroines… The more the merrier!!
● Realistic – The resolution should be life-changing in a way that it opens doors for other possibilities.
Life is a journey of choices and outcomes. Your resolution doesn’t have to be the penultimate of all resolutions… you can make it the life-changing gateway to other-future resolutions.
● Timely – This is probably the most overlooked piece of the plan. By when will your resolution be achieved? If you don’t set an end date, you have no idea if a course correction is required. Be sure the timeframe is realistic and achievable.
We all know that life happens. When it does, having a plan B in your bag of tricks, keeps life from taking the wheel and driving your resolution into a bunker.
And it goes without saying - life has a sense of humor. The likelihood that life takes the wheel at your peak weakness – is very high.
We all have those “turn back moments”... it happens.
But it’s at these moments when you need to have your plans B, C, and D all locked and loaded for use.
Don’t stop moving forward. Grab that Plan Boff the shelf and put it to work. If you stop even for a moment … You will start to think - or feel - or worry. Just trust the plan and never stop.
You have the plan… You have buddies… It's time. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. You’re ready to put that resolution into action.
Once your plan is sound - even if it’s not perfect - get started! You can smooth out the little wrinkles as you go. The most important part is to have the big - game-changing hiccups covered with a Plan B - C - or D. Once that is done - everything else falls into place as you get going. You can do this!
It’s so easy to celebrate the big stuff. Just remember - Every step you take in your journey is progress. All progress – both big and small – needs to be celebrated!
At the end of the week - look at your plan. If you’ve accomplished most or all of what you wanted to - take the win and treat yourself to something special.
Remember– you are on a course for a Life-changing resolution. Success is not measured by how far you go without falling. It’s measured by how you get up, dust yourself off, and keep on going. And this my friend, requires a celebration!
Cheers to Positive Aging through Positive Living!
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